Midas civil distributed loads

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We know the vertical and horizontal coordinates of this centroid, but since the equivalent point force’s line of action is vertical and we can slide a force along its line of action, the vertical coordinate of the centroid not important in this context. The sign convention for the angle follows the right-hand rule. It is an angle formed by the line connecting the 1st node to the 2nd node defining the loaded area and the load distribution direction. Load Angle is applicable only for One Way Distribution. For a rectangular loading, the centroid is in the center. Load Angle(A1): Angle defining the direction of the load to be distributed. The line of action of the equivalent force acts through the centroid of area under the load intensity curve. To use a distributed load in an equilibrium problem, you must know the equivalent magnitude to sum the forces, and also know the position or line of action to sum the moments.

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